Harnessing RIBOnucleic acid - Small molecules Structures

Compound T1C


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Chemistry rules

Lipinski's RO5 Veber Pfizer's 3/75

RNA-SM complexes

PDB code Deposition date Reference publication
4v9b July 18, 2012 Jenner Lasse, Starosta Agata L., Terry Daniel S., Mikolajka Aleksandra, Filonava Liudmila, Yusupov Marat, Blanchard Scott C., Wilson Daniel N., Yusupova Gulnara. . Structural basis for potent inhibitory activity of the antibiotic tigecycline during protein synthesis Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
4v9b July 18, 2012 Jenner Lasse, Starosta Agata L., Terry Daniel S., Mikolajka Aleksandra, Filonava Liudmila, Yusupov Marat, Blanchard Scott C., Wilson Daniel N., Yusupova Gulnara. . Structural basis for potent inhibitory activity of the antibiotic tigecycline during protein synthesis Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
4yhh Feb. 27, 2015 Schedlbauer Andreas, Kaminishi Tatsuya, Ochoa-Lizarralde Borja, Dhimole Neha, Zhou Shu, López-Alonso Jorge P., Connell Sean R., Fucini Paola. . Structural Characterization of an Alternative Mode of Tigecycline Binding to the Bacterial Ribosome Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
5j8a April 7, 2016 Cocozaki Alexis I., Altman Roger B., Huang Jian, Buurman Ed T., Kazmirski Steven L., Doig Peter, Prince D. Bryan, Blanchard Scott C., Cate Jamie H. D., Ferguson Andrew D.. . Resistance mutations generate divergent antibiotic susceptibility profiles against translation inhibitors Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
5j8a April 7, 2016 Cocozaki Alexis I., Altman Roger B., Huang Jian, Buurman Ed T., Kazmirski Steven L., Doig Peter, Prince D. Bryan, Blanchard Scott C., Cate Jamie H. D., Ferguson Andrew D.. . Resistance mutations generate divergent antibiotic susceptibility profiles against translation inhibitors Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
5j91 April 8, 2016 Cocozaki Alexis I., Altman Roger B., Huang Jian, Buurman Ed T., Kazmirski Steven L., Doig Peter, Prince D. Bryan, Blanchard Scott C., Cate Jamie H. D., Ferguson Andrew D.. . Resistance mutations generate divergent antibiotic susceptibility profiles against translation inhibitors Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
5j91 April 8, 2016 Cocozaki Alexis I., Altman Roger B., Huang Jian, Buurman Ed T., Kazmirski Steven L., Doig Peter, Prince D. Bryan, Blanchard Scott C., Cate Jamie H. D., Ferguson Andrew D.. . Resistance mutations generate divergent antibiotic susceptibility profiles against translation inhibitors Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Physicochemical filters

Descriptor Lipinski's RO5 Veber Pfizer's 3/75
MW 587.29 g/mol
AlogP -2.19
TPSA 208.16
RB 6

Radar chart