Harnessing RIBOnucleic acid - Small molecules Structures

Complex 5we4

System information

Experimental technique Electron Microscopy
Experimental resolution 3.10
System mass 2300.95 kDa
Deposition year 2017
Molecule type RNA/Protein
# RNA entities 6
Organism Escherichia
RCSB PDB Entry 5we4
Reference Fislage Marcus, Zhang Jingji, Brown Zuben Patrick, Mandava Chandra Sekhar, Sanyal Suparna, Ehrenberg Måns, Frank Joachim. . Cryo-EM shows stages of initial codon selection on the ribosome by aa-tRNA in ternary complex with GTP and the GTPase-deficient EF-TuH84A Nucleic Acids Research

Compound FME
Residue . / 101
Chain BLB / v
Non-redundant True
Interacting RNA chains A/A, CB/v
Volume -
Hydrophobicity -
Hydrophilicity -
Buriedness -
Don/acc character -
SiteScore -
D Score -