Complex 4v51
System information
Experimental technique | X-ray |
Experimental resolution | 2.80 |
System mass | 4494.24 kDa |
Deposition year | 2006 |
Molecule type | RNA/Protein |
# RNA entities | 6 |
Organism | Thermus |
RCSB PDB Entry | 4v51 |
Reference | Selmer Maria, Dunham Christine M., Murphy Frank V., Weixlbaumer Albert, Petry Sabine, Kelley Ann C., Weir John R., Ramakrishnan V.. . Structure of the 70 S Ribosome Complexed with mRNA and tRNA Science |
Compound | PAR |
Residue | . / 1816 |
Chain | PL / AA |
Non-redundant | True |
Interacting RNA chains | A/AA |
Volume | 470.60 Å3 |
Hydrophobicity | 0.160 |
Hydrophilicity | 0.976 |
Buriedness | 0.671 |
Don/acc character | 1.633 |
SiteScore | 0.995 |
D Score | 1.025 |
Compound | PAR |
Residue | . / 1790 |
Chain | FNA / CA |
Non-redundant | False |
Interacting RNA chains | EB/CA |
Volume | 275.77 Å3 |
Hydrophobicity | 0.153 |
Hydrophilicity | 1.030 |
Buriedness | 0.694 |
Don/acc character | 0.932 |
SiteScore | 0.880 |
D Score | 0.867 |