Complex 1xnr
System information
Experimental technique | X-ray |
Experimental resolution | 3.10 |
System mass | 791.80 kDa |
Deposition year | 2004 |
Molecule type | RNA/Protein |
# RNA entities | 3 |
Organism | Thermus |
RCSB PDB Entry | 1xnr |
Reference | Murphy Frank V, Ramakrishnan V. . Structure of a purine-purine wobble base pair in the decoding center of the ribosome Nature Structural & Molecular Biology |
Compound | PAR |
Residue | . / 1545 |
Chain | X / A |
Non-redundant | False |
Interacting RNA chains | A/A |
Volume | 95.70 Å3 |
Hydrophobicity | 0.342 |
Hydrophilicity | 0.836 |
Buriedness | 0.596 |
Don/acc character | 0.935 |
SiteScore | 0.708 |
D Score | 0.687 |