Harnessing RIBOnucleic acid - Small molecules Structures

Complex 7tdb

System information

Experimental technique X-ray
Experimental resolution 2.56
System mass 27.59 kDa
Deposition year 2021
Molecule type RNA
# RNA entities 1
Organism Escherichia
RCSB PDB Entry 7tdb
Reference Zeller Meredith J., Nuthanakanti Ashok, Li Kelin, Aubé Jeffrey, Serganov Alexander, Weeks Kevin M.. . Subsite Ligand Recognition and Cooperativity in the TPP Riboswitch: Implications for Fragment-Linking in RNA Ligand Discovery ACS Chemical Biology

Compound GMI
Residue . / 101
Chain B / A
Non-redundant False
Interacting RNA chains A/A
Volume 771.75 Å3
Hydrophobicity 0.354
Hydrophilicity 1.341
Buriedness 0.754
Don/acc character 0.925
SiteScore 1.038
D Score 0.955