Complex 6nd5
System information
Experimental technique | X-ray |
Experimental resolution | 2.60 |
System mass | 4571.68 kDa |
Deposition year | 2018 |
Molecule type | RNA/Protein |
# RNA entities | 6 |
Organism | Thermus |
RCSB PDB Entry | 6nd5 |
Reference | Svetlov Maxim S., Plessa Elena, Chen Chih-Wei, Bougas Anthony, Krokidis Marios G., Dinos George P., Polikanov Yury S.. . High-resolution crystal structures of ribosome-bound chloramphenicol and erythromycin provide the ultimate basis for their competition RNA |
Compound | CLM |
Residue | . / 4102 |
Chain | RTA / 1A |
Non-redundant | True |
Interacting RNA chains | A/1A |
Volume | - |
Hydrophobicity | - |
Hydrophilicity | - |
Buriedness | - |
Don/acc character | - |
SiteScore | - |
D Score | - |
Compound | CLM |
Residue | . / 3888 |
Chain | KUC / 2A |
Non-redundant | True |
Interacting RNA chains | EB/2A |
Volume | - |
Hydrophobicity | - |
Hydrophilicity | - |
Buriedness | - |
Don/acc character | - |
SiteScore | - |
D Score | - |