Harnessing RIBOnucleic acid - Small molecules Structures

Complex 5fke

System information

Experimental technique X-ray
Experimental resolution 2.80
System mass 33.27 kDa
Deposition year 2015
Molecule type RNA
# RNA entities 1
Organism Caldanaerobacter
RCSB PDB Entry 5fke
Reference Huang Lin, Wang Jia, Lilley David M. J.. . A critical base pair in k-turns determines the conformational class adopted, and correlates with biological function Nucleic Acids Research

Compound SAM
Residue . / 1095
Chain B / A
Non-redundant False
Interacting RNA chains A/A
Volume 614.66 Å3
Hydrophobicity 0.540
Hydrophilicity 1.207
Buriedness 0.781
Don/acc character 0.506
SiteScore 1.055
D Score 1.015