Harnessing RIBOnucleic acid - Small molecules Structures

Complex 5aa0

System information

Experimental technique Electron Microscopy
Experimental resolution 5.00
System mass 2311.02 kDa
Deposition year 2015
Molecule type RNA/Protein
# RNA entities 4
Organism Thermus
RCSB PDB Entry 5aa0
Reference Kumar Veerendra, Chen Yun, Ero Rya, Ahmed Tofayel, Tan Jackie, Li Zhe, Wong Andrew See Weng, Bhushan Shashi, Gao Yong-Gui. . Structure of BipA in GTP form bound to the ratcheted ribosome Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Compound 8AN
Residue . / 3002
Chain HB / AA
Non-redundant True
Interacting RNA chains DB/BD, A/AA
Volume 754.60 Å3
Hydrophobicity 0.258
Hydrophilicity 1.390
Buriedness 0.747
Don/acc character 0.857
SiteScore 1.032
D Score 0.935

Compound NMY
Residue . / 3001
Chain GB / AA
Non-redundant False
Interacting RNA chains A/AA
Volume 43.56 Å3
Hydrophobicity 0.519
Hydrophilicity 0.625
Buriedness 0.594
Don/acc character 1.060
SiteScore 0.531
D Score 0.478

Compound NMY
Residue . / 1601
Chain JB / BA
Non-redundant False
Interacting RNA chains HA/BA
Volume -
Hydrophobicity -
Hydrophilicity -
Buriedness -
Don/acc character -
SiteScore -
D Score -