Complex 4v9c
System information
Experimental technique | X-ray |
Experimental resolution | 3.30 |
System mass | 4402.45 kDa |
Deposition year | 2012 |
Molecule type | RNA/Protein |
# RNA entities | 5 |
Organism | Escherichia |
RCSB PDB Entry | 4v9c |
Reference | Wang Leyi, Pulk Arto, Wasserman Michael R, Feldman Michael B, Altman Roger B, Cate Jamie H Doudna, Blanchard Scott C. . Allosteric control of the ribosome by small-molecule antibiotics Nature Structural & Molecular Biology |
Compound | NMY |
Residue | . / 1656 |
Chain | IF / AA |
Non-redundant | True |
Interacting RNA chains | X/BA, A/AA |
Volume | - |
Hydrophobicity | - |
Hydrophilicity | - |
Buriedness | - |
Don/acc character | - |
SiteScore | - |
D Score | - |
Compound | NMY |
Residue | . / 1657 |
Chain | JF / AA |
Non-redundant | True |
Interacting RNA chains | A/AA |
Volume | - |
Hydrophobicity | - |
Hydrophilicity | - |
Buriedness | - |
Don/acc character | - |
SiteScore | - |
D Score | - |
Compound | NMY |
Residue | . / 3161 |
Chain | QL / BA |
Non-redundant | True |
Interacting RNA chains | X/BA, A/AA |
Volume | 235.30 Å3 |
Hydrophobicity | 0.233 |
Hydrophilicity | 0.998 |
Buriedness | 0.706 |
Don/acc character | 1.274 |
SiteScore | 0.744 |
D Score | 0.693 |
Compound | NMY |
Residue | . / 3167 |
Chain | WL / BA |
Non-redundant | False |
Interacting RNA chains | X/BA |
Volume | 222.61 Å3 |
Hydrophobicity | 0.000 |
Hydrophilicity | 1.199 |
Buriedness | 0.659 |
Don/acc character | 2.635 |
SiteScore | 0.705 |
D Score | 0.599 |
Compound | NMY |
Residue | . / 1672 |
Chain | ZO / CA |
Non-redundant | False |
Interacting RNA chains | CB/CA |
Volume | 277.83 Å3 |
Hydrophobicity | 0.270 |
Hydrophilicity | 0.926 |
Buriedness | 0.672 |
Don/acc character | 1.433 |
SiteScore | 0.806 |
D Score | 0.786 |
Compound | NMY |
Residue | . / 3184 |
Chain | CW / DA |
Non-redundant | False |
Interacting RNA chains | AC/DA, CB/CA |
Volume | 233.93 Å3 |
Hydrophobicity | 0.209 |
Hydrophilicity | 0.967 |
Buriedness | 0.670 |
Don/acc character | 1.383 |
SiteScore | 0.770 |
D Score | 0.738 |
Compound | NMY |
Residue | . / 3187 |
Chain | FW / DA |
Non-redundant | True |
Interacting RNA chains | AC/DA |
Volume | 215.75 Å3 |
Hydrophobicity | 0.017 |
Hydrophilicity | 1.502 |
Buriedness | 0.708 |
Don/acc character | 1.844 |
SiteScore | 0.682 |
D Score | 0.459 |
Compound | NMY |
Residue | . / 3190 |
Chain | IW / DA |
Non-redundant | True |
Interacting RNA chains | AC/DA |
Volume | - |
Hydrophobicity | - |
Hydrophilicity | - |
Buriedness | - |
Don/acc character | - |
SiteScore | - |
D Score | - |