Harnessing RIBOnucleic acid - Small molecules Structures

Complex 4ts2

System information

Experimental technique X-ray
Experimental resolution 2.88
System mass 30.35 kDa
Deposition year 2014
Molecule type RNA
# RNA entities 1
Organism N/A
RCSB PDB Entry 4ts2
Reference Warner Katherine Deigan, Chen Michael C, Song Wenjiao, Strack Rita L, Thorn Andrea, Jaffrey Samie R, Ferré-D'Amaré Adrian R. . Structural basis for activity of highly efficient RNA mimics of green fluorescent protein Nature Structural & Molecular Biology

Compound 38E
Residue . / 104
Chain I / Y
Non-redundant True
Interacting RNA chains A/X, B/Y
Volume 403.02 Å3
Hydrophobicity 0.648
Hydrophilicity 0.933
Buriedness 0.669
Don/acc character 0.830
SiteScore 1.001
D Score 1.037