Harnessing RIBOnucleic acid - Small molecules Structures

Complex 4k31

System information

Experimental technique X-ray
Experimental resolution 1.42
System mass 16.87 kDa
Deposition year 2013
Molecule type RNA
# RNA entities 1
Organism Leishmania
RCSB PDB Entry 4k31
Reference Shalev Moran, Kondo Jiro, Kopelyanskiy Dmitry, Jaffe Charles L., Adir Noam, Baasov Timor. . Identification of the molecular attributes required for aminoglycoside activity against Leishmania Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Compound AM2
Residue . / 101
Chain C / B
Non-redundant True
Interacting RNA chains B/C, A/B
Volume 217.46 Å3
Hydrophobicity 0.049
Hydrophilicity 1.087
Buriedness 0.625
Don/acc character 2.335
SiteScore 0.699
D Score 0.637

Compound AM2
Residue . / 102
Chain F / C
Non-redundant True
Interacting RNA chains B/C, A/B
Volume 206.83 Å3
Hydrophobicity 0.092
Hydrophilicity 1.152
Buriedness 0.627
Don/acc character 1.835
SiteScore 0.711
D Score 0.631