Harnessing RIBOnucleic acid - Small molecules Structures

Complex 3g96

System information

Experimental technique X-ray
Experimental resolution 3.01
System mass 245.05 kDa
Deposition year 2009
Molecule type RNA/Protein
# RNA entities 2
Organism N/A
RCSB PDB Entry 3g96
Reference Cochrane Jesse C., Lipchock Sarah V., Smith Kathryn D., Strobel Scott A.. . Structural and Chemical Basis for Glucosamine 6-Phosphate Binding and Activation of the glmS Ribozyme Biochemistry

Compound 6MN
Residue . / 12
Chain M / F
Non-redundant True
Interacting RNA chains E/F, F/Q
Volume 583.44 Å3
Hydrophobicity 0.136
Hydrophilicity 1.494
Buriedness 0.781
Don/acc character 0.621
SiteScore 1.056
D Score 0.922