Complex 1tn1
System information
Experimental technique | X-ray |
Experimental resolution | 3.00 |
System mass | 25.84 kDa |
Deposition year | 1986 |
Molecule type | RNA |
# RNA entities | 1 |
Organism | Saccharomyces |
RCSB PDB Entry | 1tn1 |
Reference | Brown R. S., Dewan J. C., Klug A.. . Crystallographic and biochemical investigation of the lead(II)-catalyzed hydrolysis of yeast phenylalanine tRNA Biochemistry |
Compound | SPM |
Residue | . / 77 |
Chain | B / A |
Non-redundant | False |
Interacting RNA chains | A/A |
Volume | - |
Hydrophobicity | - |
Hydrophilicity | - |
Buriedness | - |
Don/acc character | - |
SiteScore | - |
D Score | - |